Our own re-calibration journey began with a BodyTalk session for the poodles. One was itchy while the other struggled with food and weight. During the session, SmartyPants got the Practitioner to ask why I am not using my healing abilities. There was no way she knows I did Reiki. She was only 4 years old and it was a good 20 years ago since I stopped Reiki.
Subsequent BodyTalk sessions cleared further issues for us. BodyTalk became our go to tool to ease our issues and peel off layers of unsupportive beliefs and released coping mechanisms which no longer served us. The sessions also eased a few of my chronic pain. Rejuvenated, our health improved. We started to shine and synchronicity became our best friend.
So the journey began to get back Home. Home where we honour our intuition aka the random thoughts. Home where we feel comfortable and at ease. Home where people and animals speak the same language. Home with Our Village, where we are welcomed. Where we trust and are trusted. Where we feel safe and sane.
And so, with this support and confidence, we got in touch with oursleves. We picked up tools, old and new. We studied and practiced. Over the last couple of years and often during unearthly hours because our instructors are halfway round the globe!
After many hours of practice, very comprehensive study and a high standard of exams, we are now Certified BodyTalk Practitioner (CBP) and Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for Animals (CBP-A), awarded by the International BodyTalk Association. We are now ready to shine our lights forth, to match the lights of yours and the world. Like Care Bears.